Course Curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to Color Theory

  • 02

    Pigment Classification

  • 03

    Color Perception

    • Color Perception

  • 04

    Theory of Color and Corrections

    • Which color best suits my client?

    • Color Wheel

    • Eyebrows Correction

    • Exercise for Eyebrow Correction

    • Quiz: Color Wheel

  • 05

    Pigment Assortment

    • Organic Line

    • Fusion Line

  • 06

    Color Identification System

    • CIS Book

  • 07

    Mixing Colors

    • Mixing Colors

    • Exercise : Mixing Colors

  • 08

    Cool vs. Warm

    • Cool & Warm Tones

    • Undertones

    • Quiz : Cool and Warm Tones

  • 09

    Thank you!

    • Practice!